Green Rebel wins Emerging Cork Company of the Year

13th July 2022

Green Rebel are thrilled to announce that we have won Emerging Cork Company of the Year in this year’s Cork Chamber Awards. We are honoured to have won an award which aims to acknowledge companies that are headquartered in Cork and that are creating employment opportunities in Cork.

It’s incredible to see the growth of industries in Cork, creating jobs and revitalising communities. We firmly believe that Cork has the ability to grow further and become a recognised city of opportunity, investment and innovation, and our fellow winners and finalists are proof of that economic potential.

As a leading member of the Irish offshore wind supply chain, we have gained insight into the immense talent and determination of our domestic workforce, particularly those located in our home of Cork. We plan on expanding our team and benefitting from having the opportunity to employ more members of Ireland’s masterful labour pool.

Green Rebel was delighted to see that sustainability was a common factor amongst the finalists of the Cork Chamber Awards across different industries. We saw this as a symbol of our society moving in a greener direction and becoming more eco-conscious, something that is very important to us. We are proud to be a company from Cork that plays a role in leading the country to a more renewable future.

We would like to congratulate all of our fellow winners, especially our friends at Simply Blue Group for winning in the best SME category, and to our fellow finalists at Finalbend and Riley for their brilliant work and innovative concepts.

Thank you to Cork Chamber for the honour and for a very enjoyable evening.

This Article first appeared on Linkedin


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